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Profits, profits, profits!

We seek superior results in high alpha, difficult-to-trade strategies across the globe.

We use a systematic
yet straightforward approach.

We seek clarity in the complex picture of the equity markets.

  • Balanced

    Our investment decisions harmonize classical security analysis and systematic techniques; fundamental depth and quant-enabled breadth; and, a combination of value and quality and momentum and sentiment.

  • Beyond the numbers

    We exploit techniques from outside the financial realm to capture below-the-surface information — revealing what’s (un)intentionally hidden.

  • Built with experience

    An investment can be right and still be risky. Leaning skeptically on optimizers and heavily on insight and common sense, we choose where to diversify and what to avoid to minimize uncompensated risks.

  • Bottom-line focused

    We know transaction costs — the ultimate cost of implementing any investment strategy — are higher and more hidden than generally perceived. Controlling the “implementation shortfall” is key to holding equity-market profits.

We focus on four well-known equity market anomalies:

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